Take real action towards making your dreams a reality.


Find a life purpose that lights you up and make more progress on your dreams in 6 weeks than you have in the last 5 years.



What if this was the year you kept all of your promises to yourself?

The year that you finally decide to take real action towards building a life you truly love living? The year you commit to actually creating your dream reality.
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This is not a course. This is a toolkit for taking action.

Because to create your dream reality, you don’t need more information. You need more action.

Click play to watch the program intro below. ↓


Make more progress on your dreams in 6 weeks than you have in the last 5 years.

Everything in Activate Your Gifts is structured to get you out of knowledge-gathering mode and into action very quickly.

The program consists of three key elements:


Learn ⏤ The Core Concepts

9 self-paced lessons to get you prepared for your Activation Sequence. It’s the least amount of information that will get you the most amount of transformation.

Take Action ⏤ The Activation Sequence

A 42-day (6-week) experiment in action where you’re building a skill, taking action, creating momentum. You’ll create new patterns in your mind and body that will move you closer to your dream reality.

Transform ⏤ The Activation Toolkit

A set of targeted tools to help support you during the program that includes a comprehensive Notion dashboard and three exclusive meditations.


Ready to get started?


The Core Concepts

9 self-paced lessons that include the least amount of information you need to make the most amount of transformation.

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Part 1: Discovering Your Unique Gifts

Find clarity on what brings you fulfillment and discover what you’re meant to do in your time here on earth.


Part 2: Building Belief in Yourself

Build the confidence required to take action towards creating your dream reality and release any limiting beliefs keeping you stuck.

Part 3: Taking Action

Make fear your trusted friend and learn how to start before you’re ready. Unlock the real key you need for consistency and discipline.


Your Activation Toolkit

A set of targeted tools to support you during the program.

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The Dream Reality Dashboard

A comprehensive Notion Dashboard that you’ll use to track your progress and access all the program worksheets.


Plus three exclusive meditations that you can use to build a new rhythm in your mind and body as you build your foundation of belief.


❶ Desire Detox

Release desires that aren't your own and get clear on your vision.

❷ Rest and Rewire

Rewire your self-concept while you sleep.

❸ Procrastination Portal

Get out of procrastination mode and start taking action.


Ready to Sign Up?

  • Activate Your Gifts



    ✓ All Self-Paced Modules (60 minutes)

    ✓ Dream Reality Dashboard Notion Template

    ✓ Desire Detox Meditation

    ✓ Rest and Rewire Meditation

    ✓ Procrastination Portal Meditation

    ✓ Lifetime Access

    ✓ Lifetime Updates

Testimonials ✹ ✦ ✹


  • Activate Your Gifts is for you if you’re ready to take real action towards creating your dream reality.

    You’re done looping in the preparation stage and are ready to shift your behavior patterns in real-time to create real transformation in your life.

  • This is not an online course. It’s a toolkit for taking action.

    Everything in the Activate Your Gifts is structured to get you out of knowledge-gathering mode and into action very quickly.

    It’s not a program you listen to once and forget. It’s a trusted companion you will use to create momentum in your life whenever you need it.

    You can and should listen to this program multiple times.

  • The self-paced modules will take you around an hour to listen through—it’s purposefully short and to the point.

    Because you don’t need more information. You need more action.

    The Activation Sequence is a 42-day (6-week) challenge that you’ll complete as part of the program.

    The meditations in the Activation Toolkit are around 30-45 minutes long, aside from the Procrastination Portal which is a short 6-minute practice to get you out of procrastination mode and into action.

  • Yes!

    You’ll have lifetime access to the program and all updates I make to the content and Dream Reality Dashboard.

  • Due to the nature of the program, I do not offer refunds.

    Please make an intentional and embodied purchase decision.

  • Yes!

    You’ll have access to your member portal right away, where you’ll be able to access all of the self-paced content, including the link to your Dream Reality Dashboard.

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