Unlock Your Inner Confidence
Today we’re diving deep into tools for developing genuine confidence and self-belief. Learn how to overcome self doubt and fear by tapping into your Ocean Self—the real key to unlocking the confidence that already exists within you.
Plus, we’ll redefine confidence through the lens of your infinite, universal nature.
In This Episode We Talk About:
✹ The true source of confidence—inner stability and self-trust.
✹ Understanding personality as just one drop in the vast ocean of universal being.
✹ Techniques for embodying confidence in everyday life, regardless of external circumstances.
✹ The transformative power of recognizing ourselves as the entire ocean, not just a drop.
Themes / Timestamps:
⟶ The relationship between trust in the universe and trust in yourself (00:00:40)
⟶ Tapping into your expansive nature (00:06:24)
⟶ Identifying areas where you’re already confident in life (00:13:33)
Hi, I’m Rea
I’M SO GLAD YOU’RE HERE. My goal is to help you transform the conditioned patterns in your mind and body that are keeping you stuck. Be sure to look around, I’ve created lots of paths for you to do just that (with my gentle guidance). ❤︎